Due to the nature of the pre-order sales campaigns, returns will not be accepted on any item. If your order arrived with quality issues, please see the refunds policy below for information on requesting a refund for your item.
You will need to pay the return shipping fee and an additional processing fee in order for us to get your return processed.
The refund policy period is 30 days following the shipping of your order. If this time has passed we unfortunately will not be able to offer you a full refund on your return.
In order to process your refund we need your order ID number and a proof of original purchase. Contact us at orders@meowri.shop with this information and a member of our customer service team will get back with you on how to proceed with your return. Please allow us at minimum 2-3 business days to respond to your inquiry.
If you are eligible for a full or partial refund, it will be provided to the original payment method on file for your order. Only the cost of the original item will be refunded. We do not offer refunds on shipping fees.
Some situations will not allow for a full refund. These may include (but are not limited to) returns made after the 30 day period, damage or wear not due to a fault of ours, and missing or damaged parts. Shipping fees are also not refunded unless there is an agreement made during the returns process.
PayPal: Any refunds processed will show back up in your Paypal account within 24 business hours. Please note, the refunded amount must be transferred back to your banking institution from your Paypal account.
Credit Card: Any refunds processed via your credit/debit card will show back up in your bank account within three to five business days.
Reserved Rights
The Meowri store reserves the right to deny, reject, and limit returns based on one or more of the following situations:
- “Wardrobing”, which includes excessive returns
- Excessive returns or attempted returns of damaged items
- Excessive claims indicative of fraudulent, laundered, or criminal activity